Work Packages

Preparation - First-stage Adaptation of the Model (Lead Partner: CIE)

This Work Package includes preparation activities related to the analysis of the of local contexts through a framework of key parameters for studying the opportunities, challenges and practices for inclusion in education in partner countries for the needs of first-stage adaption of the instruments of the Model.
Foreseen Outputs

1.1 Study Framework

1.2 Study Report

1.3 Adapted Model Instruments
Preparation – Translation of the Instruments of the Good Practice (Lead Partner: ARCIL)

This Work Package includes the preparation activities for the action aiming to create the conditions for a shared understanding about the good practice to be scaled up. Its results will be instrumental for other Work Packages (5 and 6 in particular), especially the shared knowledge of the good practice instruments for the four partners of the project. 

Foreseen Outputs

2.1 Translated versions of the Guidelines for application of the Model in four languages (Greek, Portuguese, Romanian and English)

2.2 Translated versions of the Self-assessment tool of the Model in four languages (Greek, Portuguese, Romanian and English)

2.3 Translation of the e-learning course in English language

Project Management (Lead Partner: CIE)

This Work Package covers all project management-related activities with the objective to create conditions for shared understanding and distribution of responsibility about project implementation and the engagement of each of the partner organizations.

Foreseen Outputs

3.1 3-year project management plan (PMP)

3.2. Transnational meetings

3.3. Interim Annual Reports and Final Report

Raising the Capacity of Partners in Three Countries to Scale up the Model (Lead Partner: CIE)

The Objective of the work package is to increase the capacity of partner teams to scale up and support school teams (teachers and principals) in applying the Model.

Foreseen Outputs

4.1 ToT Training Course Curriculum with Training Materials

4.2 9 trained partner representatives from three partner organisations acting as multipliers of the Model


Application of the Model (Lead Partner: ARCIL)

The objective of this Work Package is to make it possible for 3 schools in each partner country to apply the Model in a confident and consistent way.
The participating partners will select three partnering schools each, will provide them with 2-day trainings on how to apply the Model and will support the principals and the teacher teams to apply the Model for one and a half school year via 3-month meetings. The lead partner on its part will support the participating partners via regular on-line meetings.

Foreseen Outputs

5.1. Summaries of schools backgrounds – one brief summary for each school (following a template) – a total of 9 summaries

5.2. Training for partner schools in each country

5.3. Completed summaries from the self-assessment and action planning process in each of the nine partner schools, including an ENG translation of each summary

5.4. Half-a year summaries in English based on memos from coordination and mentorship meetings for supporting the schools by the local multipliers in Portugal, Romania and Greece

5.5. Memos from online mentorship meetings done by CIE to support participating partners from Portugal, Romania and Greece
Adaptation of e-learning Course (Lead Partner: EuroEd)

Activities related to this Work Package contribute to scaling up the Model to reach out to the broader European context through the e-learning course. Learners will have the opportunity to go through the crucial stages of building inclusive school environment through the application of the principles and approaches of the Model.

Foreseen Outputs

6.1. Adapted self-paced open-access e--learning course on inclusive education and the Model in English available for completion by interested education professionals

Quality assurance (Lead Partner: EuroEd)

Quality Assurance seeks to ensure, at a minimum, that all project activities meet agreed targets on time, with consistent management supports and that these activities are validated in relation to processes, application and review which meet strategic aims. More importantly, quality focuses on developing standards, which are consistent with referenced best practice.

Foreseen Outputs

7.1. A Quality management plan

7.2. Desk research of the context in inclusive education in the 3 partner countries

7.3. Focus groups with local stakeholders in education in the 3 partner countries

7.4. Baseline and endline of the target groups

7.5. Feedback analysis after each training of the target groups

7.6. Checklists to track how the standards of implementation of the good practice, including self-evaluation and plan implementation are met by the partner schools

7.7. Second-stage adaptation to local contexts of the instruments of the Model in the three partner countries by collecting and analysing feedback from application of Model in partner schools

7.8. Report on the core principles and approaches of the Model for systemic change to inclusive school environment that are overarching across European country contexts

7.9. Feedback of the testing of the online course Introduction to inclusive education in English

7.10. Instruments for future feedback and impact measurement of the scaling up of the online course Introduction to inclusive education in English

Evaluation (Lead Partner: EuroEd)

The objective of the Evaluation work package is to guarantee the quality management of communication and coordination processes required for ensuring quality project implementation.

Foreseen Outputs

8.1. Internal evaluation plan

8.2. Internal evaluation survey questionnaires

8.3. Internal evaluation survey reports

8.4. External project evaluation report

Dissemination and communication (Lead Partner: Four Elements)

A high-quality dissemination strategy is a vital part to the overall success of the project and crucial to the sustainability of the network in the long term. All partners have strong track records in dissemination activities in their respective fields. Using inclusive education, together with schools’ networks, the project will highlight findings and practical applications which refers to the inclusive education as systemic approach.

Foreseen Outputs

9.1. Dissemination strategy and plan

9.2. Leaflet on inclusive education as systemic approach

9.3. Bimonthly electronic newsletter in English

9.4. Three press releases in each of the local languages of the project

9.5. Three round tables in Greece, Portugal and Romania

9.6. One international conference in Bulgaria

9.7. Days of inclusion organized by the partner schools in each of the partner countries.

9.8. Video on inclusive education

9.9. Traces of communication exchange

Exploitation of results (Lead Partner: CIE)

The second level of scaling up of the Project, after the scaling up in the partner countries contexts, is the online course “Introduction to inclusive education”. The course will be firstly adapted to the European context. It will be promoted for future subscriptions.

The objective of this Work Package is to create the conditions for future scaling up of the Model for systemic approach to create inclusive school environment by promoting the online course “Introduction to inclusive education” at EU level.

Foreseen Outputs

10.1. Targeted mailing to the local decision makers in each of the partner countries about the online course available in English language for teachers and principals

10.2. Targeted mailing to the wider public in education via European networks of schools and organizations

10.3. Online advertisement of the online course in English in the social media – facebook and google app

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